Top 5 benefits of family training in martial arts
There have been many articles and pieces written on the benefits of martial arts. Most people know that studying martial arts has a lot to offer individuals both mentally and physically. I would like to take a moment to address some of the benefits that martial arts has to offer, not just your child, and not just you, but your family as a whole.
- It’s a great way for your family to bond.
There are very few activities that families can participate in that have something to offer every member of the family. Children enjoy martial arts because the classes are fun and working toward your black belt is cool. Adults get to focus on useful physical and mental skills.
When families take time to work on these things together it becomes an opportunity for them to grow close through time spent together as well as shared goals. Shared goals and time spent together helps families forge healthy relationships. The experience of training together creates lifelong memories for each family member and strengthens the bonds between parents and children.
- A way to stay fit.
Most parents know it is harder and harder to find ways to get your kids up and moving. Television and video games are streamed into our homes 24 hours a day, and children are discouraged from playing outside unsupervised. There are lots of activities and sports available for kids, but what about parents? Once you’ve dropped one child off at one activity and another child at a second, it’s about time to go back and pick up the first one. Or, you take your children to their class and find yourself sitting in a waiting room, or on the sidelines keeping one eye on your child and the other on your phone.
Family martial arts offers a way for your kids to stay active, and you to stay active with them. The time you spend together as a family becomes an opportunity for you to work on your own strength, flexibility, and overall health. Which means that is time you don’t have to carve out of your already busy schedule, or time you have to spend telling yourself that you should be exercising.
- Self-defense is important
The most obvious benefit to learning a martial art is the ability to defend yourself in the event of a real physical threat. That can mean anything from children facing a bully on the playground to adults being forced to deal with a physical assault. The overall perception and feeling of danger in the world has escalated, and if your family doesn’t feel prepared to handle it the world can be a very scary place. The right knowledge and training can go a long way towards keeping you safe, or even saving your life. And knowing that your family can defend themselves can offer a lot of peace of mind.
- Improved performance
Taking part in any activity that you enjoy can be rewarding, especially if you are gaining knowledge or learning new skills. But, when the family takes part together the potential for everything is magnified. The time that parents and children spend learning the same skills translates to time that they can spend helping each other. A sister can help her brother with his form. A parent can help their child with the techniques they learned that week. That means that time spent together in a martial arts class becomes an easy reason to spend time together at home.
“Did you practice/study today?” Is a question most parents have asked. But what if that became “Lets practice today!” The interest in martial arts becomes a reason for you family to spend time together which leads to greater knowledge and proficiency.
- Improved social skills.
Martial arts offers kids a chance to improve their confidence and learn about teamwork. But, when families train together it offers children a chance to observe their parents in a social situation with other families. The ability to practice healthy interactions within their own family is essential to learning to apply those social skills outside of their family unit. Training together offers kids the chance to practice both of those things.
Students are learning respect for their parents as authority figures, but also respect for their fellow students (which now includes their parents as well).
Training together in the martial arts has a lot to offer your family. That is a big reason why Omaha Traditional Martial Arts offers family classes. The sooner you start, and the longer you train together the greater the benefits will be.
-Master Aaron Sailors